Maya Abdominal Massage & Yoni Steams

The soothing techniques of Maya abdominal massage & visceral massage are an external non-invasive manipulation that repositions internal organs that have shifted due to stress, surgeries, pregnancy, or restricted breathing. Maya Abdominal focuses more on reproductive organs and positioning of the uterus, as well as the psycho-spiritual aspects of womb healing and herbal remedies. Visceral (Organ) massage is more specific and focuses on all of the abdominal organs, as well as specific work with the pelvis.

My training is in both Maya Abdominal Massage & Visceral Massage allowing me to work with a wide variety of issues one may be experiencing in the abdominal and pelvic regions of the body. Over the years, I have worked with clients who have had multiple abdominal surgeries, chronic pelvic pain and tailbone pain, chronic digestive issues, as well as infertility and painful menses/PMS with great success! By combining both maya abdominal & visceral massage into each session, I am able to provide a multi-faceted approach to healing your digestive and reproductive organs, enhancing your ability to heal and feel more at ease in your body and mind. Both Maya Abdominal Massage & Visceral Massage work with the energetic aspects of each organ, combining both hands on manipulation and myofascial work, as well as a deep energetic listening into what the body (specifically each organ) is needing to heal and function properly.

Love Your Belly Treatment:

Do you experience slow motility, Chron's disease, SIBO, heartburn, indigestion, or inflammation? Are you a woman who experiences reproductive issues, or has scarring from past surgeries/traumas that may be compromising the health of your gut, or causing infertility?

This 90 minute session includes Maya Abdominal Massage, ALT, & organic essential oils for digestive/reproductive support. Heather will also teach you how to breath properly to support healthy digestion and the nervous system and also share with you techniques you can use at home. All modalities combined gently and powerfully aid in healing the body by bringing you back into balance and connecting with your center, while also boosting the immune system and gently softening & lightening scar tissue.

Yoni Steams.

A traditional and ancient form of self care we use to cleanse and heal the womb. Steaming is able to address all gynecological issues and is safe for girls and women of all ages. Please click the button below to read more about Yoni Steaming on my blog page.

Support For The Womb.

How does this type of massage help support the womb & reproductive organs?

Maya Abdominal Massage focuses primarily on the female reproductive system. ​When the uterus is not in its optimal position, the flow of blood, lymph, nerve communication, and chi are restricted. This happens for many reasons. The uterus is a suspensory & detoxification organ. Some women are born with what some gynecologists would say a “tilted” uterus. This is when the uterus tilts to either side, folds, or tilts back towards the spine, or tilts forward. The Womb moves in order to expand and contract with the menstrual cycle, and pregnancy. Because the womb is a suspensory organ and held in place by ligaments, it can become displaced from her optimal position, and if the womb isn’t in optimal position, it and other related systems of energy flow won’t get the nourishment they need to be in their full divine expression, as organs and as collaborative systems. This means our body will not be functioning at its peak potential. The energy can’t flow, the womb can’t "dance" (contract and expand) which leads to stagnation and disconnection, and because it’s the center of a woman’s body, when it’s out of alignment it can impact a woman’s health on every level: spiritually, emotionally and physically.

With maya abdominal massage, we address all factors that contribute to womb health. First we work with the physical placement or position of the womb and how it is affecting the ligaments, muscles, systems of flow and impact hormone levels. Things such as difficult pregnancies, poor digestion, systemic inflammation, malnutrition, injuries to the pelvis as well as excessive exercise while menstruating all can attribute to a displaced womb. Some of the symptoms of a displaced womb include PMS, pelvic pain, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, PCOS, constipation, cramping, cycle pain, dark blood clots, ovulation pain, low back pain, lethargy, chronic miscarriages, depression and anxiety.

On an emotional level we address symptoms associated with the 1st and 2nd chakras, such as feelings of a sense of isolation, sadness and ultimately disconnection from purpose, trauma, heartbreak, and loss. On an energetic/spiritual level by reconnecting women back to the womb as their center – they are reconnected to their place of creativity, intuition, and a deeper connection with the earth and ancestral lineage.

This holistic healing system supports navigating the inner worlds of the womb as a hollow detoxification organ where she is holding our wounds, our sexual experiences and the storage center of our deepest fears and shame. It is often the place we keep experiences we don’t want to see or feel, as well as our deepest denials, and we move through a process of “Inner Alchemy” to heal, and integrate these experiences and feelings.

Mayan medicine people believe that women are two hearted beings. We have the beating heart in our chest and our second heart is the womb. If a women’s womb is out of alignment a women is not in her fullest power. Ultimately we are working to bring you back to your inner knowing and wise woman.

Old adhesions from invasive treatments to the pelvic and abdominal area, including fibroid tumors, endometriosis, abdominal surgeries, and cesarean delivery are diminished when addressed by maya abdominal massage. In addition, digestive, urinary, and bladder problems can be relieved.

Other symptoms and disorders that are greatly benefited by maya abdominal massage are:

*Frequent urination
*Infertility *Endometriosis *Fibroids *Hormonal Imbalances
IBS *Constipation
*Hiatal Hernia *Reflux & Indigestion
*Chronic pelvic pain
*Chronic low back pain
*Tailbone injuries

Support For The Digestive System

Visceral massage techniques focus more on organs in the abdominal region of the body. Visceral Massage encourages the natural movement of internal organs and helps to optimize digestive, reproductive and detoxification functions. We also carry a large amount of our nervous system in the gut. In fact, 95% of serotonin is found in our bowels! By gently massaging the abdomen, those who suffer from stress, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders feel more at ease and relaxed. The stress on the nervous system caused by emotional pain can also contribute to symptoms of IBS, constipation, and other digestive disorders.

I have worked extensively with clients with severe scarring due to multiple abdominal surgeries and c-sections. Scar tissue continues to build up over time and as we build more scar tissue, we develop more digestive issues due to the scar tissue wrapping around digestive organs. The same is true for endometriosis. The scarring from endometriosis and other autoimmune disorders continues to grow over time affecting the other organs in the abdomen. With visceral massage, the work is to increase digestive function by optimizing the digestive organs and decreasing inflammation in the gut and softening scar tissue.

If the digestive system is not working properly, old waste continues to build up in the organs creating a toxic environment in the gut. Becoming overly dependent on laxatives and other pharmaceuticals decreases bile and the proper function of digestion, as well as other health issues. By naturally moving waste through the digestive tract we encourage the body to heal naturally. The same is true by softening scar tissue. Some of the symptoms that are greatly benefited with visceral massage techniques include:

*Decreases inflammation cause by SIBO, Chron’s Disease, Lyme Disease
*Chronic Constipation * Loose Stools
*Hiatal Hernia *GERD *Post surgical scarring from hysterectomy, or other abdominal surgeries
*Chronic pelvic pain
*Chronic low back pain
*Tailbone injuries